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Monday 13th March 2023, marks the start of British Science Week 2023: a ten-day celebration which aims to raise awareness and spark enthusiasm for STEM subjects and their associated applications. In recognition of this, Read School Science Department have planned a fun-filled week of practical experiments, competitions and talks across all ages.


Alongside the extra practical experiments being conducted throughout school as part of British Science Week, Read School are also incredibly privileged to host several guest speakers. The speakers, who are experts in their respective scientific fields, will offer an insight into the real-world application of the sciences during a series of lunchtime lectures. 

The Science Department are also hosting two additional events during British Science Week, during which parents are welcome to attend:

On Thursday 16th March, Read School CCF will be participating in specially designed science activities. The RAF will be building rockets and the Army will be testing their bridge building techniques. Parents are welcome to attend school at 4.15PM to watch the rockets fly and assess the bridges. 

On Friday 17th March at 3:30PM, parents are invited to participate in The Mega Marshmallow Spaghetti Challenge, which will be the ultimate Student vs. Parent showdown. Read School PFA will be serving refreshments during the event, and live demonstrations will run concurrently in Maloney Hall. The Challenge will be a fun-filled finale to British Science Week 2023. 

Science Kits

To complement an action-packed week of events, the Science Department have created a DIY Science Kit, to enable students to re-create five simple experiments at home.

The Science Kit, which costs £3, have been carefully constructed by the Science Department, and are accompanied by staff videos, which offer a complete set of instructions for each experiment.

UJS and Senior School students can buy their Science Kits from The Hub, at breaktime on Tuesday 14th and Thursday 16th March. LJS students are also encouraged to take part in this series of experiments. 
LJS Parents who consent to their child receiving a Science Kit, should return payment in a self-addressed envelope, in their green book bag on Tuesday 14th March.

If you would like to know more about our Science Kit, please watch our videos below. Here, you will find a video showcasing the kit, and demonstrations of the experiments which students can recreate at home. 

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The first video, features Mrs. Bullock and her 'Flying Saucer' experiment:

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The second video, features Dr. Snowden demonstrating how to make a fully functional 'Lollypop Trebuchet':

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The third video, shows Mr. Woods conducting a simple Chromatography experiment with Skittles:

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The fourth experiment (which should be carried in a safe, open place), demonstrates Mr Starke launching a simple Film Canister Rocket. 

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And, finally, in our sixth video, Dr Duggan demonstrates Osmosis, using Gummy Bears:

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The experiments, shown above, have been risk-assessed by the Science Department, however parental supervision is required. 

For further enquiries relating to Read School's British Science Week programme, please contact Dr. Helen Snowden at