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Our Lower Junior School is taught by two dedicated class teachers, and is further enhanced by area specialists from Senior School in subjects such as Music and PE.

In addition, LJS students can access a wide range of peripatetic music lessons from Reception onwards (instrument dependent). A full list of current peripatetic teachers can be found here. Both Lower and Upper Juniors share the same Head of School, enabling a smooth and harmonious transition into Year 3.

Teachers communicate regularly with parents via ClassDojo throughout the week - sharing events and activities that have taken place in school. Parents also receive weekly communications via ParentMail. This correspondence includes school newsletters and information about upcoming trips and events.

Head of Junior School: Mr G. Hill BA, PGCE

LJS Staff Members Qualifications Class/ Subject Area
Mrs L Fairhurst BA, PGCE Reception & Year 1
Mrs V Burnell BA, PGCE Year 2
Mrs H Crompton BMus, MMus, PGCE Music
Mrs S Warren BA, MSc PE
Mrs C Fox   Learning Support Assistant