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Our boarding school community is firmly at the ‘heart’ of The Read School.  Boarders play a full part in the life of the school and their presence in the evenings and at weekends provides important continuity on the campus.

Boarding is an enjoyable experience, full of opportunities for discovery and personal development. Each boarder is given the space and support to develop individual interests and talents as well as the chance to discover both the pleasures and responsibilities of living as a member of a community – a community that is friendly, homely, relaxed and caring.  Boarding allows young people to focus on their work as well as their extra-curricular activities. They can be with their friends, have fun and develop into independent individuals who can confidently make their way in the world.

Boarding is lots of fun and we get opportunities to try new things. It is a homely place. Family like.

Savannah Williams – Year 9 – England (Forces)

Read School welcomes applications from both the UK and overseas and this mix of nationalities and backgrounds enhances the experience of boarding and extends the ethos of the diverse cultures into the wider school community.

We are happy to provide not only full or weekly boarding, but also flexi or occasional boarding, where we can help with caring for your children when the unexpected business trip crops up, in a family emergency, or just for parents to have a break away, without the children.


This is a caring environment with a flexible approach to all our pupils’ needs.  Boarding gives an opportunity to work hard and to play hard – home comforts without the need to travel!


Junior Boarding

Read School is a boarding and day school and we have the facility to cater for younger pupils from the Junior School, who can participate fully in the day and boarding programmes of the school.

Both the girls’ and boys’ boarding houses cater well for this age group, offering an active after-school programme and a caring home environment. Weekends also provide family style outings to shopping centres and visits to the cinema, bowling alleys and similar venues, to ensure the children have plenty of good recreational time out of school hours.

During the school day, no distinction is made between boarding and day pupils. The boarders participate fully in the school programme before returning to the boarding houses for evening activities. There is close liaison between boarding and day staff so that we can provide the children with the most stable and supportive environment possible.